
funny bird

Saturday 22 October 2011

Cold Weather Survival Camp

/We marched 20 minutes to a camp site on the ice shelf.  The day was cold windy and snowy.  Visibility 1 mile or so.and  could not see any of the land markings.  20 of us coordinated activities and labor to build a  wind break made of snow blocks.  the blocks were rectangle shaped, about the size of a box of printing paper.  The wall was 70 feet long and 3 blocks tall.  the Blocks were dug and cut from our designated quarry.  in the picture aboveyou see blocks being cut and carried from the quarry 
Other set up tents, 2 scott tents, and 7 mountain tents. We also established a kitchen and set up stoves to start heating water to mix with our dehydtrated dinner pouch.   the tools and supplies duplicate what one would find in a survival kit.  Each  kit is  set up for  two people.
aWe spent the night in our tents ans woke to breakfest, out meal.  We than  immediatly started taking down camp.  A few hours later the clouds lifted and we were able to see Mt Eribus.  The active valcanoe that created Ross Island.  the last phot of me posing in foreground of this massive mountain

The valcnaoe is 20 miles away.  the snow mobile is the instructors.  I wish we had access to a ride.  I lost 0ver 6 lbs this weekend. 
Thank you for your posts and well wishes.  I am happy to be able to share my adventure.  It keeps me motivated to find the extreme sights


  1. awesome, awesome, AWESOME pictures this post!!! Love them! You dropped 6 lbs?! What is the temp?? Do you sweat under those huge jackets?
    Love you! :)

  2. Fantastic! This doesn't look easy...brrr. p.s. game 3 of the world series just starting!

  3. You are a brave brave man Eddie Young:). The pictures make me cold looking at them. Ian loves the pictures of the vehicles. He would like to have one for the farm if you could manage that somehow:) Love from the Fritz Fam

  4. hmmmm, is this a diet I want to try? Hey, send your addy if you can receive care packages. Glad you are keeping us all updated. It's very interesting.

  5. I agree with Syd, AWESOME pictures! I love the one with the volcano, i've been waiting to see pictures of it! That's crazy dad.. 6 lbs?! You're gonna be a stud when you come home. Love and miss you!

  6. Hey brother, how you doing?
